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Connect Stripe to receive payouts

aiva partners with the global payment processing platform Stripe to pay you for the vouchers sold.

Andy Dharmani avatar
Written by Andy Dharmani
Updated over a week ago

It’s all about the money, money, money…

‘Because the reward is worth the work.’

aiva partners with the global payment processing platform Stripe to pay you for the vouchers sold. You will need to connect to Stripe in order to start receiving your income.

How it works

You will be able to connect your existing Stripe Payment Gateway account through the aiva Dashboard or create a new one. In both cases, you are giving access to aiva to process payments on your behalf.

When a Voucher is purchased, the payment will be processed through your connected Stripe account. You will receive the funds directly from Stripe straight into your bank account. The total funds you receive will be the voucher amount minus the aiva Fee and minus any partner commission you have agreed to.

Note: There will not be any additional Stripe payment fee outside the fee agreed with aiva and the partner.

Steps to Connect

Go to Connect -> Applications, and click on Create a New Standards Stripe Account for Payment Processing

Follow the steps to get connected. If will be able to create a completely new Stripe account or connect your existing Stripe account to aiva.

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