Feel like meeting your Digital Assistant and seeing it in action?
From the Myma.ai intuitive dashboard, you can create a Web Widget integration and choose every element from security to appearance and functionality.
Settings -> Connected Channels -> Web Widget Channel (The integration with globe symbol on the top left of the tile)
You will then be able to see the following:
Things you can customize:
Digital Assistant Avatar & Name
The appearance of the chat window that will show on your website including layout, text, colors, and fonts.
Add nudges so that your digital assistant can greet and engage your website visitors.
Pre and Post forms to capture customer personal information
Multi-language settings
Position on your website
Website pages where you want the Chatbot to appear
You can see the preview right from the integration settings, and once you are happy to publish the AI Chatbot on your website, copy the code snippet and paste it before closing the </body> tag on your website. Usually, the code can be added at one location on your website for it to apply to all pages.
Sample Code
Sample code snippet below:
<!-- This is start of the Myma.ai Digital Assistant code -->
var BMB_MESSENGER_domain = 'https://messenger.myma.ai/';
var BMB_messengerHTMLPath = BMB_MESSENGER_domain + 'index.html';
var BMB_MESSENGER_head = document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0];
var BMB_MESSENGER_script = document.createElement('script');
BMB_MESSENGER_script.type = 'text/javascript';
BMB_MESSENGER_script.src = BMB_MESSENGER_domain + 'msgplugin.js';
var BMB_MESSENGER_gid = 'f49d1df2-f9b3-416e-a366-adf7ef6e7c63';
var BMB_MESSENGER_iid = '77f816d9-017b-4e40-8e94-6cc0916dd72e';
var BMB_MESSENGER_pid = '';
<!-- This is end of Myma.ai Digital Assistant code -->
Google Tag Manager
Alternatively, you can add Myma.ai Chatbot to your website using Google Tag Manager. Follow the instructions here
All done! Your newly appointed AI Chatbot is ready to engage your website visitors.