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aiva - AI Voucher & e-Gift Solution
aiva - AI Voucher & e-Gift Solution

Maximize revenue with branded discounts, incentives, value-adding and gift vouchers while enjoying total control of the entire process.

Get started with aivaUnderstand how aiva works and discover the possibilities.
Creating and Editing a VoucherHow to create a voucher in under 5 minutes
Create a Gift CardHow to create a Gift Card in under 5 minutes
Invite a business to sell your vouchersTake your marketing to the next level by inviting others in your network to sell your vouchers.
Sell Vouchers from your websiteHow to add a link to your website for the Voucher store
Connect Stripe to receive payoutsaiva partners with the global payment processing platform Stripe to pay you for the vouchers sold.
PayPal Integrationaiva PayPal integration
How to Change Email Sender Display NameLearn how to replace the eVoucher email from "aiva" to your property name.
Measure activity using Google AnalyticsMeasure activity as your customer journeys span across your website and aiva hosted voucher and eGifting page.
Vouchers ideasGet some ideas on kind of vouchers you can create and promote.
Issuing RefundsProcess to issue voucher refund
Merchant ResponsibilitiesMerchant is responsible for the creation and operation of the Vouchers.
What's New with aivaWe are constantly improving our product, stay up to date with aiva product releases and new features.
Customizing Voucher Email & PDFCustomize the content of the Email & Voucher PDF attachment
How to Mark a Voucher or Gift Card as RedeemedA Voucher can be redeemed and a Gift Card balance can be fully or partially redeemed from aiva Dashboard.
Credit Card Stripe ErrorsScreenshots of payment errors customers will see when entering an invalid credit card information.
Customer Voucher EmailsEmails sent to the purchaser and voucher recipient on purchase of a Voucher or Gift Card
Gift card top-upHow a customer can top-up their existing Gift Card.
Membership Only VouchersLearn how to make the most use out of the membership feature
URL to share vouchers for a specific customer search tag (category)
SEO SettingsBoost the SEO of you Vouchers Store by adding meta description
Voucher & Gift Card Insights
Add GTM container to a Vouchers pageTrack and measure your vouchers page traffic by adding pixels through GTM container